
iBolit: Patient

2023-04-12 16:13 Mobile Web UI|UX Healthcare WebRTC
The iBolit telemedicine consultation platform: a version for doctors

We have made the advantages of digital technologies in healthcare accessible to a wide range of professionals. Now Doctors in clinics and patients can reach each other with just a couple of clicks.


iBolit is the leading Russian telemedicine platform. The service specializes in the digitalization of health care services according to the SaaS model ("software as a service"). Thanks to a subscription to iBolit, clinics can transfer remote consultations of their specialized specialists from private messengers to the workspace in order to receive additional legal income.


Create a web and mobile (iOS and Android) version of the iBolit telemedicine application with the role of "doctor" for clinics and medical professionals.

Applications should solve the following tasks:

  • Provide doctors with another official and secure means of communication with the patient, in addition to face-to-face virtual consultation.
  • Increase the income of medical institutions and specialists by bringing work with remote consulting into the legal field.
  • To make the financial relationship between patients and the clinic more transparent by making all payments through the billing system of the institution.
  • Provide an opportunity to conduct operational consultations in emergency cases.
  • Reduce the time resources of administrative workers, thanks to the automation of the document flow for initial requests.
  • To increase the productivity of doctors due to a more efficient distribution of working time.
  • To increase the loyalty and the number of repeated requests of patients.


Ensure platform independence

Medical professionals should be available to patients 24/7 and be able to work from any convenient device. Therefore, the software for the telemedicine platform was developed immediately as a mobile and web application. We synchronized the efforts of two teams of developers and testers, and also built clear communication with the customer's side.

Streamline patient admissions

Applications allow specialists to control the number and schedule of meetings, in accordance with the available time and resources. The Doctor personally invites new users to join the platform and sets the days when he is available for consultations.

Protect personal data

The confidentiality and security of the personal data of clinic employees connected to the telemedicine platform are ensured by a two-factor authorization system in applications. The doctor can log into his personal account by sending a confirmation code via his email or SMS.

Give the opportunity to choose

The profile specialist is able to choose the format of communication with the patient, depending on the production need. The doctor can exchange small text messages in a personal chat or arrange a full consultation through the video chat functionality.

Provide a control mechanism

The main guarantor of the quality of telemedicine services is the clinic, so the work in the application is under its constant control. Only a medical institution can register new specialists on the platform. The clinic monitors compliance with the agreements on consulting through the application and also provides medical and financial reporting.

Comply with legal requirements

In order for applications to legally qualify for the status of an "online branch" of the clinic, their functionality must strictly comply with the quality criteria stated in the legal acts.

How we did it

Technical background

The iBolit platform backend is based on the Laravel PHP framework. It was provided by the customer, and our task was to implement its binding to two versions of the application via the API.

To create the front end of a web application, we used the React+ technology stack Redux, and for the mobile version — a bunch of React Native + Redux. This made it possible to ensure the unity of the code base, maintain a high speed of development and release of updates, get rid of additional dependencies, and also facilitate the receipt and storage of API data.

Linked to the customer's database

One of the features of the project was the need to develop both versions of the platform in accordance with the existing design and the server API provided by the customer.

A special challenge was the seamless integration of the customer's backend with the mobile application. To solve the problem, we used a pair of APIs and the WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) protocol, which provided secure bidirectional real-time communication.

Automated application processing

Our team has analyzed the stages that an application for consultation in clinics goes through. Based on these data, we have developed and implemented an optimal digital algorithm — from registering on the platform and inviting patients to conduct video consultations and processing their results.

Thanks to the status system, the specialist can quickly assess at what stage the work is on each request. The main difficulty at this stage was the correct display of the application processing statuses in the "Calendar" section.

Simplified the work with the platform

Digital tools have entered the daily practices of most healthcare workers today. However, too complex technical solutions can turn a valuable "helper" into a source of problems that takes valuable time.

To simplify the use of the platform for doctors, we have created a friendly UX interface with clear functionality that allows you to perform all actions literally "in a couple of clicks" and automates many routine functions, including filling out documents.

Added an electronic patient card

For each patient, there is an individual medical card associated with the attending physician. The diagnoses of the specialist after each video consultation are automatically attached to the map in PDF format, and all files from the chat are also saved.

Created a secure environment for data transmission

All data exchange during the video consultation takes place in encrypted form via the secure WebRTC protocol. The use of this technology, among other things, allows you to securely transfer files with medical information, and personal and financial documents.

All personal information is uploaded to the application only for the duration of an open communication session. Data storage takes place in a secure cloud environment with Government requirements.

Provided financial transparency

Payment for all services available on the platform takes place only online through application billing. This allows the clinic to maintain transparency of transactions and maintain full control of financial flows.


The application for telemedicine consultations iBolit (with the role of "doctor"), was released in MVP in less than 3 months.

The platform is implemented in two formats:

  • web versions;
  • apps for mobile devices on iOS and Android.

The applications are adapted for all types of user devices, popular browsers, and various operating systems. The implemented functionality complies with the norms and requirements of the current legislation on the provision of electronic medical services.

Already in the first year after the release, several large private clinics joined the platform, which managed to get new sources of income and significantly increase the number of requests for repeated consultations.

The strongest impetus for the development of the service was given by the COVID-19 pandemic — the number of registered patient appeals increased 8 times, and the profit of clinics from the use of the platform increased 12 times. Today, iBolit selects more than 50% of eastern European telemedicine service users. More than 800 doctors across eastern Europe conduct their remote appointments through applications every day.